Friday, April 18, 2014

Blogging vs Facebook

Well first off all let me tell you blogging isn't nearly as much fun as Facebooking. Throwing out an idea and getting potentially instant feedback is more satisfying than throwing out lots of ideas and getting like zip feedback. Not that I thought blogging WOULD replace Facebook, but I'm realizing I do like connecting with people on social media, I've had some great conversations with people on FB that I wouldn't normally get to see because they are old friends who have moved away or friends they have NEVER lived around me and likely never will. So in that sense it's made me appreciate FB for what it is. But, at the same time with being absent from Facebook (with the exception of these blog links of course) it's made it easier to walk away. As much I enjoy my Facebook time, if I thought it was taking up too much of my family's time I'd walk away entirely. But that's a little severe. However I did kinda feel like that way. So thus the break. Not the only reason. Part of the catalyst for taking a break was on a Sunday afternoon early this month and I was talking to a friend on FB. We were joking around and somewhere along the way one of us got the wrong idea and we wound up arguing. I knew that if we had been having the same discussion in person we would have just had a good laugh, and been enjoying our time. My friend called me afterwards and in less than thirty seconds we were laughing it off. But, after that I just felt I had better things than to get into non arguements with good friends. I could have been reading a good book (which hasn't been happening nearly enough lately), hanging out with my ladies, writing a song...or a BLOG. Getting into a petty bitch-fest online didn't seem good enough. So when I make my galant return I hope to still use FB but to a lesser extent. Definitely will be aiming to use it less on mobile. Also trying to put my smartphone on my nightstand whenever I'm home. So...yeah. That's that. In the last few weeks I have also realized that it's not that I'm spending too much online and not reading. It's that I'd RATHER be online and NOT reading. Which is a new and troubling development. Around the same time as that realization I read an article which said that research shows that our brains are essential being re-wired to the quick scan and skim nature of online reading. Which means people that have never had much experience with reading books, where more attention to detail is necessary, are losing that ability. Or never acquiring it, essentially. So yeah...nothing fun in this one. Have a good children of FB, my princes of Twitter.

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