Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blog # 2: In Which We Discuss Resisting the Urge to Dance to Dire Straits and Complacent Blogging

Decided to blog...not even sure what I'll be covering. Thought about blogging yesterday but...DEAR GOD I was studying for a math test and I kind of lost it for awhile. I'm studying probabilities in math and I'm doing stuff like "well if the probability of A event is .2, B event is .4, and C event is .7 then what is the odds of B AND C...NOT happening." So then off Josh goes in search of what the probability of NOT A is (that's actually what we call it...NOT A). At some point in the blood soaked insanity that is studying at 9:49 PM the night before the math test I'm just like...27. I'm TWENTY SEVEN and I'm still cramming for math tests. But alas I only need to pass this last math class. So I can then attempt to pass stats class. Which everyone says is killer. One of my online teachers last year told a wonderful anecdote about how one of the brightest pupils in a particular class she was teaching a few years ago, actually changed their major because they couldn't get an A like they were "used to." That firstly freaks me out and then reassures me. "Brightest Pupil" might not be able to live with a C+ but this guy'll take it right down to the bank. But enough of that shit.

Man, usually I write with some sort of inflated emotion and right now I'm just sort of complacent. Mostly because, come hell or high water, my math test is over. Thusly I'm boring the CRAP out of myself. But I suppose it's good to vary it up a bit...good to write about the good complacent things too. Yesterday was test review, that was crap. In a few days I'll to write a review of another opera. And there's probably a test coming up that I'm forgetting about. But today is alright. Made pizza with the family, watched the Mariners lose to the Rangers while Ava sang variations on "see you later alligator...after while crocodile." Good stuff. Sarah and Ava will be leaving for the sunnier pastures of Arizona in a few weeks, so Sarah can (ideally) be there for the birth of her beastie's second monster. After finals Darby and I are probably just gonna live together for two weeks and get hammered and stuff. We have tentative plans involving an 18 pack of Rolling Rock, video recording capabilities and other stuff proving how cool we are.

But right now the day's stuff is over and time to relax. In a few hours Sarah and I will watch 'Being Human' (Original UK Version, Baby)' when Ava goes to sleepy sleeps. That's how we talk. Have a good evening folks.

A final note...this song is stuck in my head. Also...does anyone else have to mentally restrain themselves from dancing to the opening minute?

P.S. I have resisted the urge to delete this whole thing. #NotRantyEnough

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